Bondarenko Evgeny

Front-end developer student

About Me

I am working as an automation engineer in petrochemical industry. My experience in programming is outside the field of web development and programming. Languages I know are not applicable here, except, I think, SQL only. Recently I considered to try something new and started this course. My experience in web development is too low until but I am very interested in this activity. I hope this course with its difficult and interesting tasks will help me understand if I can work this way.


Belarusian State University of Transport
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Code example

Array Deep Count from CODEWARS: (>>)

            function deepCount(a){
              let count = 0;
            for(let i=0;i<a.length;i++) {
              if(Array.isArray(a[i])==false) {
                  count += 1;}
              else {
                  count += 1;
                  count += deepCount(a[i]);}}
              return count;}

My projects

I have several comleted projects. This page will be updated as soon as posible.
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